Transporter Saurus Rex Campervan hire
West Yorkshire Based, Family Friendly Campervan hire

About Our Company

Transporter-Saurus-Rex is setup to provide family friendly and great value Campervan hire.

Based in West Yorkshire, with great access to North, South, East and West, the only limits are the roads of the UK. 

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Terms & Conditions for Hiring Rex

Please read T&Cs before signing our booking form. We will be pleased to clarify in writing any point on which you may have a query. 
The Hirer/Drivers The insured vehicle shall be driven only by the Hirer or other permitted driver who has completed and signed the Hirer’s Agreement Form immediately prior to any hiring. Additional drivers may be added to the Insurance Policy at an additional cost . 
1) The Insured Vehicle shall not be let out on hire to or be driven by: - 
a)  Hirers under 23 or over 75 years of age unless otherwise agreed by the Insurer. 
b)  Hirers who haven’t held a full valid driving licence for 2 years. 
c) Persons not in compliance with current Insurers conditions below; ·     
Must meet the specified age limits within your policy and have at least 2 years driving experience (Full UK, EU, AU, US, CA, NZ & SA licence types) 
·     Two, 3 point convictions are acceptable (i.e. 2x SP30’s, 3pts each) without referral 
·     Single 4 point offences are acceptable without referral and subject to standard terms 
·     Single 6 point SP30, SP50 and CU80 convections are acceptable subject to a £1000 excess. All other 6 points+ offences will require referral to the insurers 
·     No more than one fault or outstanding incident/claim in the last three years d) Persons who have had their insurance declined and/or renewal refused and/or special insurance terms imposed as a result of claims experience and/or have had their insurance or cover cancelled by any Motor Insurer. 

Hire Charges & Payment Terms Vehicle Hire Charge means the hire charge including Vehicle Insurance (excluding insurance surcharges) and any Optional Extras for the purpose of the hire of a Campervan for the duration of the hire period.  The Vehicle Hire Charge does not include: Insurance Surcharges (if applicable) or Security Deposit.  A deposit payment of £50, (unless otherwise stated) must be paid at the time of making the booking. The Final payment is the balance due plus the cost of any Optional Extras and is payable on the day of the hire commencement.  The Security Deposit of £500.00 must also be paid prior to the hire commencement. Insurance cover cannot be provided unless the Final Payment is made. The owner reserves the right to cancel hire booking if the Final Payment is not received prior to hire commencement.  In these circumstances the Vehicle Hire Charge may be forfeited.

Documentation The hirer shall be required to provide TSR with proof of their eligibility to drive the hire vehicle (ie a full UK driving licence) on booking the vehicle (copy of photo card).  The licence must be free of endorsements except for minor speeding offences (SP30/40/60) with no previous disqualifications, in line with above criteria.  Drivers with a history of accidents may be refused hire or may have to pay an additional insurance surcharge. The hirer must also provide proof of permanent address (i.e. Utility bill, credit card statement, bank statement) at time of collection of the vehicle.  Drivers incurring fines during their hire (i.e. ULEZ/ parking/speeding offences/congestion charges) shall be personally liable, and an additional administration fee of £50 may be charged. TSR reserves the right to cancel the hire if, at the commencement of hire, the Drivers’ licences are invalid or not according to the required conditions or if insurance is declined for any reason.  

Insurance The Insurance cover provided is Fully Comprehensive.  The rate includes a standard excess of £500; in the event of any accident or damage the hirer will be liable for the first £500. The hirer is liable for replacement of damaged windscreens, tyres or engine (following damage).  Personal effects are not insured through this cover. It is the responsibility of the Hirer to provide their own insurance to cover personal items; we would recommend travel/holiday insurance is purchased from a reputable company.   Late return of the vehicle will invalidate the hirer’s insurance and will be an offence under the Road Traffic Act.    

Security Deposit On signing the TSR Hire Agreement you agree to pay a £500 security deposit prior to hire which will need to be cleared funds by BACS on collection of the campervan. If the vehicle is returned at the agreed time, without damage to the van or its contents, clean and with full tank of fuel, the security deposit will be refunded in full, within 7 days. If the vehicle is subject to damage whilst in the care of the Hirer including interior damage, theft of radio, vandalism, the Hirer will be liable for the costs of all repairs or replacements. If the cost of repair exceeds the Security deposit, the balance of repairs shall be passed on to the Hirer. The vehicle (interior & exterior) must be returned in an acceptable state.  If significant cleaning is required, charges will be made to the Hirer at a rate of £80. Late return of vehicles (unless by prior agreement) will automatically render the Hirer liable for an additional charge of £50 for each hour late or part of.  If vehicles are returned without a full tank of diesel fuel, the Hirer will be charged for each litre of fuel at a rate of £1.80 per litre.  The Hirer is responsible for the care, security and condition of the campervan throughout the hire period. 

Travel Outside the UK Unless agreed before hire commencement, you are not permitted to take the Campervan out of the UK. Additional insurance is required for travel outside the UK and, if agreed, may incur additional charge. 

Proper Care of the Vehicle The Hirer is responsible for the care and security of the vehicle for the duration of the Rental Period and agrees to return the Vehicle to TSR in same condition received, ordinary wear and tear excepted, on the date specified. The Hirer will be liable for additional costs and charges if due care has not been taken.  This includes:
A charge of up to £80.00 for a valet if the vehicle is not returned in an acceptable state of cleanliness. 

During the Hire Period If you need help or advice on any issue please contact TSR and leave a voicemail message if necessary. Vehicle operation: Should you experience any difficulties with the operation of the campervan during the Rental Period, please contact TSR immediately as indicated on your Reservation Confirmation to enable us to offer assistance. 

Breakdown, Accidents & Incidents TSRwill hand over the vehicle in good mechanical condition. In the event of a mechanical breakdown, the Hirer is to inform TSR immediately.   Breakdown Cover is provided for all our vehicles.  If mechanical breakdown results in a shortened holiday TSRwill refund each complete day of non-use.  TSRshall not be held liable for any losses incurred e.g. missed ferry crossings, booked accommodation/activities, replacement vehicle costs or any other consequential loss claims arising from campervan breakdown or accident.  Road Traffic accidents and theft must be reported to the nearest Police Station and TSRimmediately and where necessary a 'supplied' accident report form completed.  In the event of theft a Police Incident number must be obtained. Incidents caused through negligence; wrong fuel, loss of keys or overhead damage will automatically be charged to the Hirer.  Minor repair goods (i.e. replacement bulbs, wiper blades or fuses but NOT including the water system, refrigerator, audio equipment) may be purchased by the Hirer maximum spend £50 without prior consultation; only on presentation of valid VAT receipts will TSRreimburse the Hirer. The Hirer is liable as the bailee of the vehicle in respect of any fixed penalty offence committed in respect of that Vehicle under the Road Traffic Act 1988 and Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988; any excess parking charge which may be incurred in respect of that Vehicle in pursuance of an Order under Sections 45 and 46 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 or the Road Traffic Act 1991 during the period of hire. All parking, road-traffic or other legal violations may be subject to a £50.00 administration fee. 

Fuel, Oil and Gas The Campervans use Diesel fuel.  Vehicles are hired out and are to be returned with a full tank.  (See Security Deposit) The Hirer is responsible for checking oil & water fluid levels during hire time; top up as required using the provided fluids. Gas for the cooking facilities will be provided to the Hirer, should this run out, TSR will reimburse the cost of a gas Refill. TSR uses Campingaz 907 cylinders, available at numerous Camping and Gas retailers

Smoking Policy TSR operates a strict NO SMOKING policy in all our vehicles. This includes smoking in the driving cab, immediately outside the doors or under the awning. 

Pet Policy The Hirer allow pet dogs to be carried in the vehicle but this must be notified to and agreed by TSRbefore travel.  The Hirer acknowledges and agrees that any damage, repair costs or extra valeting costs incurred from a pet being in the vehicle must be paid in full by the Hirer. 

Collection & Returns
Hires start and finish at the collection point unless otherwise agreed in writing. No refund is given for the early return of the vehicle. Should the late return of the vehicle make Owner liable for extra costs (e.g. compensation for the next hirer), we reserve the right to pass on these costs to the Hirer. Please allow up to 45 minutes for both collections and returns. The Hirer is advised to check the vehicle thoroughly before leaving TSRpremises.  The breakdown or malfunction of equipment, after the vehicle has left the premises will not be accepted as reason to abort or cancel the TSRRental Agreement; any such fault will be rectified as soon as possible. Vehicles must be returned by the times previously arranged & agreed.  Failure to comply with these times will result in the Hirer being surcharged at the rate of £50 per hour or part of, together with any additional costs incurred by TSR(e.g. compensation to the next Hirer).  No refund is given for an early return of the vehicle. 

Payment of Hire Charges & Optional Extras We currently accept BACS payments for all hire charges; payments to be made payable within the agreed timings as detailed above. 

Cancellation Policy Cancellations must be made in writing and, unless otherwise agreed, the £50 booking deposit is forfeited. If a £500 Security Deposit has been paid it will be refunded in full provided no other sums are unpaid by way of deposit or otherwise. The Company reserves the right to cancel the hire if at the commencement of the hire the driver's license is invalid or not in accordance with the conditions set out above.  In these circumstances the total hire charge will be forfeited. TSRreserves the right to refuse hire to any person without explanation or prior warning. 

Use of vehicle statement The Hirer, agrees that during the rental period he/she will not and will not allow the vehicle to be: a) Driven otherwise than in a cautious, prudent and normal manner. b) Used in a manner that could cause damage to it or the vehicle’s hired contents. c) Driven in a prohibited area. d) Driven by a person under the influence of alcohol or drugs. e) Left with the ignition key in the vehicle while it is unoccupied - vehicle keys are the responsibility of the hirer throughout the entire hire period detailed in the contract. You must ensure that keys are safeguarded at all times and are not left in or around the vehicle whilst unattended. If the vehicle is stolen whilst the keys are left in the ignition, you as the hirer will be responsible for the entire loss as you are in breach of the terms and conditions outlined in the terms and conditions of the contract f) Driven by persons under the age of 23 years or over 75 years. g) Driven by persons not authorised by Law to drive the vehicle. h) Damaged by submersion in water. i) Damaged by contact with salt water. j) Used for any illegal purpose. k)  Used for racing, rally or contest. l) Used to tow any vehicle or trailer. m)  Used to carry passengers or property for hire and reward. n)  Used to carry more persons than lawfully permitted. o) Used to carry volatile liquids, gases, explosives or other corrosive or inflammable materials. p) Otherwise used in breach of my obligations under this agreement.